Download Ragnarok Cheats

Feb 6, 2009

Clock Killing Mage Ragnarok Cheats

This tips can use mage class ragnarok and mages have the firewall skill. A clock is a monster which spawns in level 2 of the clock tower in al de baran. You started clocks with about 60 int, level 4-6 firebolt. How to start clock killing ragnarok cheats :

First you need to find a clock. Now that you are near the clock, don't just begin assaulting it with things because more likely than not, it will annihilate you. While the Clock is still in that same position, you need to cast Firebolt on it. Back up one more square and cast another VFW. Then Firebolt the Clock. Repeat this step until it dies. You can use a higher level Firebolt here if you want. You just need to not be standing on the same level as the Clock is, since you can't cast VFW on top of yourself